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I find it funny every time I hear people say "East Side, Best Side". It's just funny. Unlike "West", east doesn't even rhyme with "Best". But then again, whatever rocks your boat.
I spent about 17 years in the east. Long enough to know how the place is like. I first spent my time there in the mid 1990s. Back when there were no smartphones, no accessible internet and only 2 MRT lines. At that time I have already realised that the east is different from where I was from. What is the difference? It is hot. It was already hot then. It is even hotter now. I remember telling the people around me when I said that the east is hot. Hotter than other parts of Singapore. But they always say that Singapore is too small to have any climate difference. But I noticed. Even the natural vegetation is different. I didn't understand why no one noticed the difference in the vegetation. And since there were no internet to back me up, no one believed me. But yes, I have always realise that the east is hot. Now that I am away from the area, I really do not mind not going there again. Actually, I avoid the east as much as I can. You can say that the east is the best side, but I have to say that the west is "cooler". Literally. I knew that the there is a hilly range in the west and I believed that could be the reason. Obviously the natural vegetation is different too. "Generally, there is much more rainfall on the western side of the island than on the eastern portion of Singapore, owing to a rain shadow effect. Thus, the eastern side of Singapore is much drier and slightly hotter than western Singapore. This can cause slight weather disparities from one side of the island to the other. This is significant to note because even a small hill such as Bukit Timah Hill can cause this phenomenon. Despite Singapore's small size, there may be sunshine on one side while there is rain on the other. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Singapore So yes, the west side is cooler. But I will not stop here. I will still not go to the west. Every time I ride home, I will always notice the difference in temperature. And here is what I can find to back me up. "Coolest – Northern region We’ve always believed that the West side is the coolest side in Singapore because of the constant East-West comparisons. But little did we know that folks up in the North have the last laugh because their region is the one holding this unofficial title." https://mustsharenews.com/geneco-regions-hottest/ So easterners and westerners, you all can debate all you want in deciding which side is the best side. East side best side? Ok..... West side best side? Cool.... Northside? Coolest. Categories: The General Knowledge Series
This one happens once so far in my lifetime and I am going to blog it to record it.
An interesting thing happened today which doesn't happen often but yet not something uncommon. On the 1st of May 2022, it was announced that Malaysia Indonesia and Brunei will be celebrating Hari Raya Puasa on the 2nd of May while Singapore will be celebrating on the 3rd of May. I find it interesting because I have heard about these kind of situations but have never happened to Singapore or during my lifetime. At least not on searchable record. I find it interesting too because I have always been interested in astronomy, celestial alignments and timelines. One of my childhood wish is to own my own telescope. I still cannot afford one until now. If anyone read this, can you please link me up to a telescope sponsor or gift please. I work hard and yet still a loser in my 40s being effectively unemployed thus I cannot afford things that are beyond my needs. So yes, a telescope is actually a childhood wish not achieved or granted. I find it especially interesting too because of the flak our Mufti received from netizens. I guess human behaviours have been around since the bginning of time but with social media, they are more apparent. There were a number of people in Singapore who disagree with Singapore celebrating one day later. I find this super funny. I personally do not celebrate Hari Raya like a generalised Malay, based on customs, so any day does not matter to me. I just find it super funny that these people can be triggered by this. In my mind was: Who are you to doubt? Isn't one more day of puasa better? What makes you think you are more qualified than the mufti? A mufti's responsibility supersede ours. They will be responsible. Our task is to trust. Funny that you pentingkan raya over puasa. In the first place, did you complete your puasa or not? It is such a funny day and may it be on record. Anyway here is the statement by the Mufti. Shared with Public 1st of May 2022 Assalamualaikum wr. wb. The Office of the Mufti would like to issue the following clarification regarding the announcement of Syawal 2022 for Singapore. 1. The determination for the beginning and end of Ramadan follows the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. in a few narrations, among them: لا تَصُومُوا حَتَّى تَرَوْا الْهِلالَ وَلا تُفْطِرُوا حَتَّى تَرَوْهُ فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ فَاقْدُرُوا لَهُ.” Do not fast until you have sighted the crescent moon, do not end your fast (celebrate Eid) until you have seen it (the Syawal crescent moon). If it is obscured from you, then regard the month of Ramadan as 30 days. 2. Based on the guidance of the Prophet p.b.u.h., scholars use two primary criteria, hisab (calculation based on the science of astronomy) and rukyah (the sighting of the moon) to determine whether the crescent moon is visible. 3. In Singapore, it is generally extremely difficult for the crescent moon to be visible because of its climatic conditions, which is often cloudy. Thus, Singapore uses the commonly agreed criteria used by the MABIMS countries (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura) in determining the sighting of the crescent moon. This methodology is known as imkan ar-rukya. 4. This imkan ar-rukya criteria has been reviewed and refined by MABIMS countries since 2017, and finally revised in 2021, based on more than 700 data points of crescent sightings from around the world. The new criteria considers two parameters during sunset on the 29th day of the month – the elevation of the crecent moon (which must exceed three degrees) and the degree of elongation of the sun and the moon (which must exceed 6.4 degrees). 5. Based on these criteria the crescent moon was not visible in Singapore at sunset on 29 Ramadan. For confirmation, the Office of the Mufti together with experts in the science of falak attempted to conduct a physical sighting of the crescent moon, which was unsuccessful (i.e. the new moon was not visible). During the sighting it was also clear that the western horizon was overcast with clouds. 6. The religious authorities of the other MABIMS countries reported that the crescent moon was visible in their sightings at only certain sites in their own territories. 7. Although the results differed, all MABIMS countries adopted the method of determination with was based on the principles and guidance of the Prophet p.b.u.h, and their individual results are valid in their respective contexts, and everyone adheres to the principle that Ramadan in each country did not exceed 30 days. 8. This difference in determining the beginning or end of Ramadan was also narrated by Imam Muslim among the companions of the Prophet who were in different cities, where Mu’awiyah fasted on a Friday whereas the rest fasted on a Saturday, based on the differences in sighting the crescent moon in the cities of Syam and Madinah. When queried why they did not simply standardize with Mu’awiyah to regularize the fasting period, Ibn ‘Abbas replied that such determination (in following the geographical location of a person) was what had been taught by the Prophet p.b.u.h., even though it would cause different start and end dates for Ramadan among Muslims. 9. In this region, differences in the start of the Hijri calendar have occurred very frequently in the past (as recently as 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2021) and may well occur again in future. Thus, in 2022, not all countries in the world (including Muslim-majority countries) celebrate Ramadan and Aidilfitri on the same dates. Indeed, the crescent moon has also not been sighted in a few other countries, and as a consequence, they will be celebrating Aidilfitri on Tuesday 3 May, like Singapore. For as long as we hold true to the principles of our faith and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h, s.a.w., as mentioned above, differences in the determination of the Islamic calendar is something which is neither unexpected nor alarming. 10. In closing, for the Singapore Muslim community, Ramadan in 2022 will last for 30 days, and Hari Raya Aidilfitri falls on Tuesday 3 May 2022. Thus, the community should continue to fast including on Monday 2 May 2022, to complete 30 days of the month of Ramadan. 11. May we continue to find peace and solace in worship in the month of Ramadan which Allah S.W.T. has continued to bless us all with. Wallahu a’lam. DR NAZIRUDIN MOHD NASIR MUFTI Simple right? Let me quote a phrase from Usop Wilcha, "Itulah pentingnya English education...." Anyway it has happened many times before this but maybe not really well recorded. Here are some that I found. 12 June 1982 Perak and Johor 13 June 1982 Rest of Peninsula Malaysia 30 Aug 2011 Peninsula Malaysia / 31 Aug 2011 Borneo I've also heard of different timings in Indonesia within my lifetime but yeah I cannot find any record. Just to share, these are Hari Raya years on record that were interesting. 1969 Hari Raya Flood 1964 65 66 Chinese New Year and Hari Raya 1968 Hari Raya on January and December. Within my lifetime. CNY and Hari Raya on the same days in 1996 1997 and 1998 2 Hari Raya in the same year, ie. year 2000 in January and December And on these periods, I heard people say that the world is ending, "Dunia hendak kiamat". Especially the one in the year 2000. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me. I'm just recording it. I'm just looking forward to the end of Puasa so that I can eat again. Categories : The General Knowledge Series Untuk penulisan blog saya, bagi kumpulan penulisan-penulisan pengetahuan am kali ini, saya akan menulis menggunakan Bahasa Melayu. Walaupun secara zahirnya, saya menaip dan bukan menulis, tapi saya akan tetap gunakan istilah “menulis” dan “penulisan”. Anda boleh membacanya dengan menggunakan loghat Singapura, iaitu loghat Johor Riau. Saya tidak menulis dengan ejaan seperti “aper” “kenaper” “biler” “kite” dan seandainya, sebab ejaan sebegitu tidak pernah wujud secari rasmi. Namun begitu, anda masih boleh menyebut perkataan “apa”, “kenapa”, “bila”, “kita” dan seandainya menggunakan loghat Riau tanpa terasa terkongkong dengan ejaannya, kerana ejaan dan sebutan loghat tidak pernah berkait. Sepertimana dahulu saya di sekolah, kita tidak pernah ada masalah ini sebelum sebutan baku dikuatkuasa. Dan pada masa itu juga, walaupun sebodoh mana kitapun dalam mata pelajaran yang lain, mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayulah yang akan memeberikan kita markah tertinggi. Tidak ada “ape-ape”, tidak ada baku. Jadi kita tidak pernah ada masalah dengan ejaan. Perkara yang ingin saya perkatakan dalam penulisan kali ini ialah tentang “Bulan”. Semenjak ada media sosial pada zaman ini, macam-macam benda yang dapat kita lihat. Sudah beberapa kali saya terlihat gambar bulan tapi saya tidak berkata apa-apa. Tapi hingga ke hari ini, ia terlalu kerap sehingga saya rasa saya patut berkongsi tentang pengetahuan am ini. Kenapa dengan bulan? Yang saya ingin ketengahkan ialah tentang bulan di siang hari. Ramai yang sudah melihat dan meletakkan gambar bulan di siang hari di media sosial mereka. Ramai yang kepelikan. Ramai juga yang menyahut dengan kekata-kekata yang memelikkan. seperti: “sudah hampir kiamat” “musim panas sudah tiba” “musim monsoon akan tiba” “kuasa tuhan akhir zaman” “putaran alam sudah rosak” dan sebagainya...... Rata-ratanya, ramai yang tidak pernah melihat bulan di siang hari atau memikirkan bahawa bulan hanya timbul pada waktu malam sahaja. Bukan akhir zaman, bulan di siang hari sudah ada sejak permulaan zaman. Bulan berputar mengelilingi bumi dan mengambil masa sebulan untuk membuat satu putaran. Bumi pula berputar diatas paksinya dan mengambil masa 24 jam untuk satu putaran. Jadi dari itu, kita akan tetap dapat melihat bulan sepanjang hampir 24 jam bergantung pada tempat kita berada dan juga kedudukan bulan pada waktu itu. Oleh sebab ini, kita dapat melihat bentuk bulan yang berbeza-beza pada setiap hari kerana kedudukan bulan ketika ia mengelilingi bumi sentiasa bergerak dan akan hanya ada pada tempat yang sama sekali dalam sebulan. Ia juga berputar di atas paksinya sendiri dan ini menyebabkan kita untuk hanya dapat melihat setengah permukaannya sahaja dari bumi. 24 jam? Jadi siang hari pun ada bulan? Ya. Sentiasa ada. Tetapi kerana bumi juga berputar, dan jika kita duduk di tempat yang sama di bumi, terutama kita di Singapura yang berkedudukan dekat dengan garisan khatulistiwa, kita hanya dapat melihat bulan selama lebih kurang 12 jam sehari. Di sini saya letakkan jadual bulan terbit dan terbenam bagi bulan Ogos 2021. Sila baca. Masa di sini menggunakan cara 24 jam. Bererti 00:00 adalah jam 12 pagi. 13:00 adalah jam 1 tengahari. Jadi bulan tidak terbit pada waktu malam sahaja. Anggaran masa terbitnya adalah lebih kurang lewat satu jam pada setiap hari dan ia berputar dengan masa begitu setiap satu bulan. Jika ada yang terlupa, bulan juga seperti matahari, akan terbit di timur dan terbenam di ufuk barat. Pada 9 haribulan Ogos, bulan akan terbit pada 7:34 pagi dan akan terbenam pada 8:02 malam. Tetapi ia adalah bulan sabit dan mungkin agak sukar untuk dilihat di siang hari kerana terlalu halus. Pada 15 haribulan Ogos, bulan akan terbit pada 12:30 tengahari dan akan terbenam pada 12:52 malam. Mungkin ini lebih mudah untuk dilihat kerana ia adalah bulan setengah. Dan begitulah putarannya setiap bulan sehingga hari kiamat. Boleh gunakan Google dan masukkan kekata “moonrise time Singapore” untuk mengetahui lebih tentang maklumat dan pengetahuan am ini. Juga boleh lungsuri lelaman ini: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/singapore/singapore Lelaman ini ditulis menggunakan bahasa Inggeris. Namun begitu, saya yakin bahawa lelaman ini tidak memberikan maklumat dari anasir-anasir yang cuba menyesatkan pemikiran dan akidah saya. Categories : The General Knowledge Series THE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SERIES / HDB ROADSThe year 1990. I was 10 years old. I was waiting for the feeder bus service number 802 to go for my madrasah classes at Masjid Darul Makmur. While I waited for the bus, I saw a new thing on the bus stop notice board. It was very new. And I was excited. It was a map of Yishun showing bus routes. There were not much details. Just a road map. For as long as I can remember, I was obsessed with maps. I love maps very much. Remember there was no internet then. If I wanted to look at maps, I would have to go the library and look for atlas or globes. My father used to bring home planner books every year and there will be a map of the world in it. I would look at it and memorise the maps. That being said, there would only be maps of the world or maps of Asia. Anything smaller than that would be hard to find. But here, at the bus stop, there was a map of Yishun! How much smaller can it be? I kept looking at it in awe and memorised it. Every time I took a bus at the bus stop, I would look even more to remember more details to be memorised. I would then draw them on foolscap paper. I had a classmate. His name was Azmi. He was a sucker for maps too and we would compete with each other to draw the best looking maps. As accurate as possible, with as much details as possible. Here, I try to replicate the drawing that I did then when I first saw the map. I remember I quickly drew it in case it faded from my memory. Madrasah classes were easy to me at that time so I spent that day drawing this map. Before I would forget the details. Yishun New Town, as how it was called then, were separated into "Neighbourhoods". Each neighbourhood was colour coded. Neighbourhood 1 = Green Neighbourhood 2 = Yellow Neighbourhood 3 = Orange Neighbourhood 4 = Purple The mysterious Neighbourhood 5 = Dark blue. (It was a mystery then because that area was just forest. So I assumed that they were going to build flats there. They finally did after 2010) Neighbourhood 6 = Light blue Neighbourhood 7 = Brown (Yucks. I was annoyed that they used brown for my neighbourhood. I would love the pink.) Neighbourhood 8 = Grey Neighbourhood 9 = Pink The block numbers in the neighbourhood will start with that particular number. ie. Neighbourhood 1 = Block number 100 onwards. Neighbourhood 2 = block 200 onwards. Though not all neighbourhoods have a hundred blocks. And then as I observed the map, I realised a few patterns. Only when I was much older with accessible internet, then I would be able to prove it to people. At that time, when I told adults of my "discovery", they didn't believe me and they said it was just random order. Singapore's HDB estates are designed poorly. There are no straight lines with no explanations whatsoever. The roads curve randomly and without any good reason. The worse design to me would be Hougang. The neighbourhoods splatter everywhere. Tampines comes next. The minor roads lead to nowhere with random turns that would have saved space if they would just go straight. I have no explanation to the mess in the estate designs. It is disturbing to me but I still cannot find an explanation. Nevertheless, within this mess, there is this simple order that I realised. ONE. Street numbers. The street numbers are all assigned according to the neighbourhoods. For example, neighbourhood 1 will have streets such as Street 11, Street 12, Street 13, etc. Neighbourhood 2 will have street numbers such as Street 21, 22, 23 etc. Neighbourhood 3, Street 31, 32, 33, etc. TWO. Avenues. Pasir Ris uses "Drive" instead of "Avenues" but they are arranged the same way. When you study Geography, you will learn about "Latitudes" and "Longitudes". Latitudes are grid numbers going East to West while Longitudes are grid numbers going North to South. I realise the avenues are arranged in that way. Let's make it simpler with just "Horizontal" and "Vertical" lines. If you look at HDB maps, and you place "North" on top (supposedly quite naturally), Odd number avenues would be placed horizontally, while even number avenues would be arranged vertically. That is how it is supposed to be but like I said, I don't know why HDB estates are designed horrendously, therefore the roads are not straight horizontal or straight vertical. Ok so that is something I would like to share if it gives you some knowledge in this "GENERAL KNOWLEDGE" series! I remember sharing this to a girl in a school I taught. She was in Secondary 2 in a "clever school". And then she said to me, "how is that a good information and beneficial to anyone when we all use GPS now?" I was a bit sad. But she was from a clever school while I was from a neighbourhood school in Yishun neighbourhood 1, so I guess she should be cleverer than me. I didn't say that we didn't have GPS in 1990 so I guess I am irrelevant. Well maybe if you are a map geek like me, you would enjoy this info! But then again if you're a map geek, you would have already know this. Ok then.... it was fun to me at least. "don't just share celebrity posts because they are good looking they already have a lot of followers and sponsors your friends would have seen them even before you share them like a post because of the effort creating them share a post to allow others to enjoy them thank you for reading" This is a screen grab from the movie Army Daze. Corporal Ong: Sorry no cure. Drop 20 drop 20 drop 20 Recruit Krishna: Aiyoyoh that means drop 60 ah? Corporal Ong: Habis? "Habis" means "done", "completed". In a colloquial Malay sentence, it is used to finish off a conversation. "Jangan cakap banyak. Habis!" "Stop talking. Period!" Though this sentence structure is not used anymore. But the word "habis" is still used with a question mark at the end to denote an understood phrase that is not mentioned. Example: Habis! So what's next? So what can you do? Anything else? They are then cut to just, "Habis?" In colloquial English or Singlish, it has become, "Then?" The point of this post is the word "Abuden?" It is derived from these words said together. "Habis? Then?" Malays have a habit of swallowing syllables and consonants when speaking. Therefore the word "Habis" is usually pronounced as "Abih" A combination of both Habis and Then became "Abih then?" Many civilisations and cities had their beginnings along river estuaries and river mouths. Cities such as Cairo, New York, Sydney to name a few. Even Singapura and Melaka, had their beginnings from the river mouth. This is due to freshwater supply, fishing, ease of transport via the waterways and trade. The mouth of the river, going out to the sea, was also a gateway to other cities and ports. As the population grows, more people will settle upstream. The busy parts will be near the river mouth while the more peaceful dwellings will be further upstream. The point of this post is to share the usage of the word "hulu". Hulu is a Malay word for the beginning, or the source of something. In this case, the source of the river. "Muara" or "Kuala" means the mouth of the river. Therefore, hulu and muara are at the opposite ends of the river. The idea that the word "Hulu" or "Ulu" depicts a far flung place, is because there would be less dwellings near the river source, further upstream, away from the bustling activities at the "Muara". "Hulu" does not directly and literally mean, far or secluded. It basically means the beginning of something or the source of a river. Look through the maps on Singapore Street Directory and spot the river sources for places like, Ulu Sembawang, Ulu Seletar, Ulu Pandan etc. and you will notice they are all at the source of the particular river. |
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