WEb Log
This one happens once so far in my lifetime and I am going to blog it to record it.
An interesting thing happened today which doesn't happen often but yet not something uncommon. On the 1st of May 2022, it was announced that Malaysia Indonesia and Brunei will be celebrating Hari Raya Puasa on the 2nd of May while Singapore will be celebrating on the 3rd of May. I find it interesting because I have heard about these kind of situations but have never happened to Singapore or during my lifetime. At least not on searchable record. I find it interesting too because I have always been interested in astronomy, celestial alignments and timelines. One of my childhood wish is to own my own telescope. I still cannot afford one until now. If anyone read this, can you please link me up to a telescope sponsor or gift please. I work hard and yet still a loser in my 40s being effectively unemployed thus I cannot afford things that are beyond my needs. So yes, a telescope is actually a childhood wish not achieved or granted. I find it especially interesting too because of the flak our Mufti received from netizens. I guess human behaviours have been around since the bginning of time but with social media, they are more apparent. There were a number of people in Singapore who disagree with Singapore celebrating one day later. I find this super funny. I personally do not celebrate Hari Raya like a generalised Malay, based on customs, so any day does not matter to me. I just find it super funny that these people can be triggered by this. In my mind was: Who are you to doubt? Isn't one more day of puasa better? What makes you think you are more qualified than the mufti? A mufti's responsibility supersede ours. They will be responsible. Our task is to trust. Funny that you pentingkan raya over puasa. In the first place, did you complete your puasa or not? It is such a funny day and may it be on record. Anyway here is the statement by the Mufti. Shared with Public 1st of May 2022 Assalamualaikum wr. wb. The Office of the Mufti would like to issue the following clarification regarding the announcement of Syawal 2022 for Singapore. 1. The determination for the beginning and end of Ramadan follows the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. in a few narrations, among them: لا تَصُومُوا حَتَّى تَرَوْا الْهِلالَ وَلا تُفْطِرُوا حَتَّى تَرَوْهُ فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ فَاقْدُرُوا لَهُ.” Do not fast until you have sighted the crescent moon, do not end your fast (celebrate Eid) until you have seen it (the Syawal crescent moon). If it is obscured from you, then regard the month of Ramadan as 30 days. 2. Based on the guidance of the Prophet p.b.u.h., scholars use two primary criteria, hisab (calculation based on the science of astronomy) and rukyah (the sighting of the moon) to determine whether the crescent moon is visible. 3. In Singapore, it is generally extremely difficult for the crescent moon to be visible because of its climatic conditions, which is often cloudy. Thus, Singapore uses the commonly agreed criteria used by the MABIMS countries (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura) in determining the sighting of the crescent moon. This methodology is known as imkan ar-rukya. 4. This imkan ar-rukya criteria has been reviewed and refined by MABIMS countries since 2017, and finally revised in 2021, based on more than 700 data points of crescent sightings from around the world. The new criteria considers two parameters during sunset on the 29th day of the month – the elevation of the crecent moon (which must exceed three degrees) and the degree of elongation of the sun and the moon (which must exceed 6.4 degrees). 5. Based on these criteria the crescent moon was not visible in Singapore at sunset on 29 Ramadan. For confirmation, the Office of the Mufti together with experts in the science of falak attempted to conduct a physical sighting of the crescent moon, which was unsuccessful (i.e. the new moon was not visible). During the sighting it was also clear that the western horizon was overcast with clouds. 6. The religious authorities of the other MABIMS countries reported that the crescent moon was visible in their sightings at only certain sites in their own territories. 7. Although the results differed, all MABIMS countries adopted the method of determination with was based on the principles and guidance of the Prophet p.b.u.h, and their individual results are valid in their respective contexts, and everyone adheres to the principle that Ramadan in each country did not exceed 30 days. 8. This difference in determining the beginning or end of Ramadan was also narrated by Imam Muslim among the companions of the Prophet who were in different cities, where Mu’awiyah fasted on a Friday whereas the rest fasted on a Saturday, based on the differences in sighting the crescent moon in the cities of Syam and Madinah. When queried why they did not simply standardize with Mu’awiyah to regularize the fasting period, Ibn ‘Abbas replied that such determination (in following the geographical location of a person) was what had been taught by the Prophet p.b.u.h., even though it would cause different start and end dates for Ramadan among Muslims. 9. In this region, differences in the start of the Hijri calendar have occurred very frequently in the past (as recently as 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2021) and may well occur again in future. Thus, in 2022, not all countries in the world (including Muslim-majority countries) celebrate Ramadan and Aidilfitri on the same dates. Indeed, the crescent moon has also not been sighted in a few other countries, and as a consequence, they will be celebrating Aidilfitri on Tuesday 3 May, like Singapore. For as long as we hold true to the principles of our faith and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h, s.a.w., as mentioned above, differences in the determination of the Islamic calendar is something which is neither unexpected nor alarming. 10. In closing, for the Singapore Muslim community, Ramadan in 2022 will last for 30 days, and Hari Raya Aidilfitri falls on Tuesday 3 May 2022. Thus, the community should continue to fast including on Monday 2 May 2022, to complete 30 days of the month of Ramadan. 11. May we continue to find peace and solace in worship in the month of Ramadan which Allah S.W.T. has continued to bless us all with. Wallahu a’lam. DR NAZIRUDIN MOHD NASIR MUFTI Simple right? Let me quote a phrase from Usop Wilcha, "Itulah pentingnya English education...." Anyway it has happened many times before this but maybe not really well recorded. Here are some that I found. 12 June 1982 Perak and Johor 13 June 1982 Rest of Peninsula Malaysia 30 Aug 2011 Peninsula Malaysia / 31 Aug 2011 Borneo I've also heard of different timings in Indonesia within my lifetime but yeah I cannot find any record. Just to share, these are Hari Raya years on record that were interesting. 1969 Hari Raya Flood 1964 65 66 Chinese New Year and Hari Raya 1968 Hari Raya on January and December. Within my lifetime. CNY and Hari Raya on the same days in 1996 1997 and 1998 2 Hari Raya in the same year, ie. year 2000 in January and December And on these periods, I heard people say that the world is ending, "Dunia hendak kiamat". Especially the one in the year 2000. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me. I'm just recording it. I'm just looking forward to the end of Puasa so that I can eat again. Categories : The General Knowledge Series
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