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CONCLUSION15th August 2018. Pentas Karyawan’s Academic Year 18/19 theatre trainings officially concluded. Yes, this year is moving exceptionally fast, it’s quite unbelievable. I always believe in a polytechnic’s well rounded education. One will be ready for the world of work both academically and aesthetically. And as for my part, I will always make PK trainings more than just a CCA. More than just an Interest Group. It has to be a module. A selected module. A full all year module, on par and on the same level of importance and educational value along with the academic module. Best thing is, the module is free! All you have to do is sign up. So the 1st semester of the academic year will be basic theatre trainings for the members. Let’s have a look back into some of the year’s programme. Sound editing and operating Stage Combat (Silat) Well just to name some of the things that we do. Fun right? Of course all our trainings will start with our routine warm ups and runs! Fun right? And then we close off the training season with a presentation of Art Form in the Malay Archipelago. The members were split up into 4 teams and do a research on their selected art form from a specific country. They then present their research to a public audience at the TRCC conference room. I think it has been a good academic year so far. Keep up the good work. We will kick off production season once the exam ends. Do look out for our upcoming productions. How about liking PK’s facebook page and following our Instagram and Twitter to keep updated of our movements. Thank you for reading and see you all soon! Pentas Karyawan Facebook Page
www.facebook.com/pentaskaryawan/ Instagram : Pentas Karyawan Twitter: RP_Pentas
Version 2018 So it has ended 2 weeks ago. A very interesting and memorable production I must say. Having been away from outside school production for many years (though I still try to achieve a "quota" of 1 production a year), I think this one is a satisfactory experience. Almost "Puas Hati" but I'm grateful and not complaining. I've said it before, I was very sceptical about the production when Saiful asked me to stage it. Especially from previous experiences where I hardly get full houses and another terrible production experience. I know where I stand. I wasn't sceptical of his abilities. I was sceptical of mine. And most importantly, I don't want to drag him and the others down with me. So I went on without too high an expectation and just wanting it to be a fun experience for all. I really hope it has been a fun one for all. So we started with the normal things. Production meetings and stuff. We are very lucky to have the support of Malay Heritage Centre as the venue sponsor for our rehearsals and shows. Thank you very much for that. We were also lucky to have the funding from National Arts Council. And after that, we were on our own. So we had photoshoots. Our 1st scriptread. Our interviews. Our promos. Our rehearsals. And we had our shows. 4 sold out shows out of 5. I think that's not too bad. Though there were bulks from school bookings but, that's how it roll. I hope Saiful as a producer managed to fulfill his objective and get the results he wants. That's more important for me. As for the cast, I really really hope you have enjoyed yourself. So goes to the crew and musicians. One production a year and it will be a waste if it's not enjoyable. As I told Uzair the SM, go stress yourself out in other productions, come to mine and relax. Get back to basics where productions are supposed to be enjoyable. That is my objective. I really hope it was enjoyable for all. Thank you to schools under my purview that came to watch, ie. Anderson Secondary School and Tanjong Katong Secondary School. Thank you to good friends in Spectra Secondary School. I'm always a bit sad because BPGHS and ACJC, the schools that I work for very long never get to watch my shows. Even the free shows. I hope to see you all in my future shows. But of course, Pentas Karyawan came in almost full force and that of course made my production extra special. And so quota done for 2018. I realise I don't have an acting job in 2018. Be it on stage or tv. Time's up maybe? Maybe for 2018. But, I'll be looking forward for April 2019. What's on then? You just have to wait and see. In the meantime, so what's next? Do you want to be in my next productions? If there are anymore that is. And are there any more producers who want to stage my shows? How about a restage? I have an almost full repertoire. Kurun Yang Hilang? (Historical / Epic) Tahyul? (Ensemble) Mahameru? (Ensemble / Period / Movement) Siapa Curi Tudung Neelofa? (Dialogue / Investigative) Claustrophobia? (Ensemble / Absurd) Kalau ada rezeki ya. For now. Thank you everyone. Everyone who made it, who came to watch, who supported. TVCY Rehearsal photos link
www.facebook.com/pg/anwarhadiramli/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2093673000847089 TVCY Show photos link www.facebook.com/pg/anwarhadiramli/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2098160420398347 Press coverage at the bottom of the album www.facebook.com/pg/anwarhadiramli/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1645936188954108 |
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